Choosing the Right Fishing Line: Essential Tips for Tackling Any Waters


Fishing enthusiasts, both novice and experienced, are often faced with the daunting task of selecting the right fishing line for their angling adventures. The importance of choosing an appropriate fishing line cannot be overstated, as it directly affects the success rate and overall experience on the water. For instance, imagine a scenario where an angler is targeting large freshwater bass in dense vegetation. Without the proper fishing line that offers strength and abrasion resistance, there is a high likelihood of losing prized catches due to break-offs or getting tangled amidst underwater obstacles.

To navigate this challenge effectively, anglers must arm themselves with essential tips for selecting the most suitable fishing line for any given situation. This article aims to provide guidance by exploring various factors that should be considered when making this crucial decision. By understanding these key considerations such as line material, diameter, pound test rating, and specific fishing techniques employed, anglers can make informed decisions that optimize their chances of landing fish successfully across different environments and species. Whether one is planning to cast lines into freshwater rivers or saltwater oceans, mastering the art of choosing the right fishing line is vital for maximizing angling results and enhancing overall enjoyment on every outing.

Understanding Line Strength

When it comes to choosing the right fishing line, understanding its strength is crucial. The strength of a fishing line refers to its ability to withstand pressure and tension when reeling in fish. To grasp this concept better, let’s consider an example: imagine you’re trying to catch a large trophy-sized bass. You cast your lure into the water, and suddenly, you feel a strong tug on the line. Without sufficient line strength, there is a higher chance that the line will snap under the weight and force of the bass.

To ensure optimal performance while tackling any waters, keep these key factors in mind:

  • Material Composition: Fishing lines are typically made from various materials such as monofilament, fluorocarbon, or braided lines. Each material possesses different characteristics which determine their overall strength.
  • Pound Test Rating: The pound test rating indicates how much weight a fishing line can handle before breaking. It is essential to choose a line with an appropriate pound test rating based on the size and species of fish you intend to catch.
  • Knot Strength: A well-tied knot plays a vital role in determining the overall strength of your fishing line. Different knots have varying levels of reliability and stability. Selecting a knot that matches your chosen fishing line type can significantly enhance its overall strength.
  • Abrasion Resistance: Fish often inhabit areas with sharp rocks or debris that may cause abrasion damage to your fishing line. Opt for lines with high abrasion resistance properties as they are less likely to fray or break when encountering rough surfaces.

Consider the following table highlighting some common types of fishing lines along with their corresponding strengths:

Type Material Pound Test Rating Knot Strength
Monofilament Nylon 8 lb Good
Fluorocarbon Fluoropolymer 12 lb Excellent
Braided Line Polyethylene 30 lb Superior

By understanding line strength and considering factors such as material composition, pound test rating, knot strength, and abrasion resistance, you can make an informed choice when selecting a fishing line that is suitable for your specific needs.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about “Considering Line Visibility,” it’s important to evaluate another crucial aspect of fishing lines.

Considering Line Visibility

Understanding Line Strength is crucial when choosing the right fishing line. Now, let’s delve into another important consideration: line visibility.

Imagine you’re out on a sunny day, casting your line in crystal clear waters. Suddenly, you spot a school of fish just below the surface. You carefully cast your bait towards them, hoping for a bite. However, if your fishing line is highly visible in the water, it could spook the fish and ruin your chances of success.

To avoid this scenario, here are some key points to keep in mind about line visibility:

  • Transparency: Opt for lines that have high transparency levels. These lines blend seamlessly with the water, making them less detectable by fish.
  • Color selection: Consider using neutral or low-visibility colors like clear or green. These colors help camouflage the line against various water conditions.
  • Low-reflective coatings: Some fishing lines come with low-reflective coatings that minimize their visibility underwater. These coatings reduce light reflection off the line’s surface, keeping it inconspicuous to fish.
  • Fluorocarbon advantage: Fluorocarbon lines offer excellent invisibility due to their refractive index being similar to water. This makes them nearly invisible underwater and ideal for situations where stealth is essential.

Now that we’ve covered line visibility, let’s move on to evaluating line durability – an equally important aspect of selecting the right fishing line. By considering its durability characteristics, you can ensure that your chosen line will withstand the challenges posed by different fishing environments.

[Transition sentence]

Evaluating Line Durability

In the previous section, we explored the importance of Line Visibility when choosing the right fishing line. Now, let’s delve into another crucial aspect to consider: evaluating line durability. To illustrate this point, imagine a scenario where you are deep-sea fishing in rough waters with strong currents. The constant tug and pull from aggressive fish puts immense strain on your fishing line. In such conditions, having a durable line becomes paramount.

When it comes to evaluating line durability, there are several factors to keep in mind:

  1. Material Composition: Different types of fishing lines offer varying degrees of durability. Monofilament lines, for example, tend to be more susceptible to wear and tear compared to braided or fluorocarbon lines. Understanding the composition of different lines can help you make an informed decision based on your specific fishing needs.

  2. Pound Test Rating: The pound test rating refers to how much weight a particular fishing line can handle before breaking. It is essential to choose a line with sufficient strength that matches the size and species of fish you intend to target. Using an underpowered line may result in breakage during fights with larger and stronger fish.

  3. Abrasion Resistance: Fishing lines often come into contact with sharp rocks, coral reefs, or debris lurking beneath the water’s surface. Lines with high abrasion resistance are less likely to fray or snap when rubbed against these abrasive elements, ensuring their longevity and reliability throughout your fishing expedition.

  4. UV Protection: Ultraviolet (UV) rays from direct sunlight can degrade certain types of fishing lines over time, leading to decreased durability and performance. Opting for a line specifically designed with UV protection will help maintain its integrity even after prolonged exposure to sunlight.

To further emphasize the significance of choosing a durable fishing line, consider the following comparison table:

Line Type Durability Strength Abrasion Resistance
Monofilament Moderate Medium Low
Braided High High High
Fluorocarbon High Medium-High High

As you can see, braided and fluorocarbon lines tend to excel in terms of durability, strength, and abrasion resistance when compared to monofilament lines. This table serves as a useful tool for evaluating the different line types based on their key attributes.

With an understanding of line visibility from the previous section and now line durability, we can move forward to assess another critical factor: line sensitivity. By considering all these aspects together, you will be equipped with comprehensive knowledge to make an informed decision when selecting your fishing line.

Now let’s explore how assessing line sensitivity plays a vital role in optimizing your angling experience.

Assessing Line Sensitivity

Now, let’s delve deeper into this aspect and explore some essential factors to consider.

One important factor in assessing line durability is its abrasion resistance. A high-quality fishing line should be able to withstand rough conditions without weakening or breaking easily. For instance, imagine a scenario where you’re fishing near rocky areas with sharp edges that could potentially damage your line. In such situations, it becomes crucial to choose a line with excellent abrasion resistance to prevent unnecessary breakage and ensure a successful catch.

Another factor to consider is knot strength. When tying knots for various techniques like the improved clinch knot or Palomar knot, it’s imperative that the fishing line maintains its integrity. Knots are stress points on the line, and if they fail during critical moments, it can result in losing both fish and tackle. Therefore, opt for a fishing line known for its exceptional knot strength to increase your chances of landing that trophy fish.

Additionally, flexibility plays a significant role in determining line durability. A more flexible fishing line tends to absorb shocks better than stiffer ones. This property allows the line to handle sudden jerks from aggressive strikes or powerful fish fighting against you. By selecting a highly flexible fishing line, you minimize the risk of snapping and improve overall performance.

To summarize:

  • Abrasion resistance: Choose a fishing line that can withstand rough conditions.
  • Knot strength: Opt for a line with excellent knot strength to ensure secure connections.
  • Flexibility: Select a flexible fishing line that absorbs shocks effectively.

These three factors contribute significantly to evaluating the durability of different fishing lines. Consider them carefully when making your choice as they directly impact your success on the water.

Next up: Assessing Line Sensitivity

Comparing Line Stretch

Assessing Line Sensitivity and Comparing Line Stretch

Imagine you are out on a serene lake, casting your line into the calm waters. Suddenly, you feel a slight tug at the end of your fishing rod. Is it just a gentle breeze or something more? Determining line sensitivity is crucial in situations like these, as it allows anglers to detect even the subtlest bites. By understanding the factors that affect line sensitivity and comparing various fishing lines for their stretch properties, you can enhance your chances of success on any fishing expedition.

When assessing line sensitivity, one key factor to consider is the material used in manufacturing the fishing line. Different materials have different levels of sensitivity due to their inherent characteristics. For example, fluorocarbon lines provide excellent sensitivity because they possess less stretch compared to monofilament lines. This reduced stretch translates into increased responsiveness when detecting delicate nibbles from fish lurking beneath the water’s surface.

Furthermore, another aspect influencing line sensitivity is its diameter. Generally speaking, thinner lines tend to be more sensitive than thicker ones. As an angler, opting for a finer diameter could significantly improve your ability to perceive subtle movements caused by fish interactions with your bait or lure. Keep in mind that thinner lines also offer other advantages such as improved casting distance and reduced visibility underwater.

To help you grasp the significance of selecting a highly sensitive fishing line, here are some benefits worth noting:

  • Enhanced bite detection: A sensitive line enables quicker recognition of bites, allowing for faster hook sets.
  • Improved catch rate: By being attuned to even faint movements or vibrations along your line, you increase your chances of successfully hooking fish.
  • Efficient bait control: Sensitive lines offer better control over lures or baits since they transmit feedback about their movement through even minor disturbances.
  • Increased overall angling experience: The thrill of feeling every little twitch enhances excitement and engagement during fishing trips.

In addition to evaluating line sensitivity, it is essential to compare the stretch properties of different fishing lines. A line’s stretch refers to its ability to elongate under tension. While some anglers prefer lines with higher stretch for shock absorption and forgiveness during intense fights, others opt for low-stretch lines due to their increased sensitivity and immediate response when a fish bites.

To better understand how various fishing lines differ in terms of stretch, consider the following table:

Line Type Stretch Level Applications
Monofilament High General freshwater fishing
Fluorocarbon Low Clear water and finesse tactics
Braided Minimal Heavy cover or saltwater angling

By comparing these distinct line types based on their stretch properties, you can choose one that suits your specific angling needs more effectively.

As you delve into the world of fishing lines, assessing both line sensitivity and stretch becomes imperative. These factors intertwine to determine an ideal balance tailored to your style of angling and target species. In our next section, we will explore another critical aspect: weighing line diameter. Understanding this component will further enhance your selection process when choosing the perfect fishing line.

Weighing Line Diameter

Imagine yourself in a serene lake, casting your fishing line into the water. You feel a tug on your rod and eagerly start reeling it in, only to realize that the fish has managed to escape. Frustrating, isn’t it? One factor that could have contributed to this scenario is line stretch. Understanding and comparing line stretch can significantly impact your chances of success while angling.

Line stretch refers to the amount of give or elasticity in a fishing line when pressure is applied. It plays a crucial role in maintaining control over hooked fish and feeling subtle bites from cautious species. Let’s dive deeper into this topic by exploring some key considerations:

  1. Sensitivity: Low-stretch lines provide greater sensitivity as they transmit even slight movements or vibrations along the length of the line more effectively than high-stretch options. This heightened sensitivity allows anglers to detect delicate nibbles from elusive fish like trout or walleye.

  2. Hookset Power: When setting the hook after getting a bite, low-stretch lines offer superior hook penetration due to their reduced ability to elongate under pressure. This ensures better contact with the fish’s mouth, increasing your chances of making a solid connection and bringing it successfully onto land.

  3. Absorbing Shock: High-stretch lines act as shock absorbers when battling aggressive fish known for sudden bursts of energy or acrobatic jumps out of the water. The added flexibility helps prevent break-offs caused by powerful strikes or unpredictable movements during intense fights.

  4. Casting Distance: Lines with less stretch tend to exhibit lower friction against rod guides during casting, resulting in enhanced distance and accuracy. This advantage proves particularly useful when targeting distant spots where potential catches may lurk.

To further comprehend these differences between low- and high-stretch lines, consider the following comparison table:

Aspect Low-Stretch Line High-Stretch Line
Sensitivity Excellent Average
Hookset Power Superior Adequate
Shock Absorption Limited High
Casting Distance Extended Standard

By evaluating the various aspects of line stretch, you can make an informed decision based on your angling preferences and target species. Understanding how different lines hold up against wear and tear is vital for maximizing their longevity in diverse fishing conditions.

Analyzing Line Abrasion Resistance

Weighing Line Diameter: Finding the Perfect Balance

Now, let’s delve deeper into this aspect and understand how it can impact your fishing experience.

Imagine you are planning to go bass fishing in a lake known for its dense vegetation. You have two options: a thick fishing line with a larger diameter or a thin one with a smaller diameter. The thicker line may seem more appealing as it provides greater strength and durability. However, keep in mind that the thicker the line, the more visible it becomes underwater, potentially alerting wary fish to your presence. On the other hand, using a thinner line might reduce visibility but compromise on strength.

To strike a balance between visibility and strength, consider these key points:

  1. Species Behavior – Different fish species exhibit varying levels of wariness towards fishing lines. Research their behavior beforehand to determine whether they tend to be easily spooked or not.
  2. Water Clarity – Assess the clarity of the water where you plan to fish. Clearer waters call for finer lines to avoid detection by cautious fish.
  3. Vegetation Density – If you expect numerous obstacles such as weeds or rocks along your target area, opt for thicker lines that offer better abrasion resistance.
  4. Casting Distance – Thinner lines provide less friction through guides during casting, allowing for longer casts compared to thicker lines.

Consider this table below which summarizes some general guidelines based on different scenarios:

Scenario Recommended Line Diameter
Clear water 6-10 lb test
Murky water 10-15 lb test
Heavy cover/vegetation 15-20 lb test

As an angler seeking success on any given day out on the water, understanding and selecting an appropriate fishing line diameter is crucial. By considering the species behavior, water clarity, vegetation density, and desired casting distance, you can optimize your chances of a successful fishing trip.

Moving forward, let’s explore another essential aspect of choosing the right fishing line: analyzing line abrasion resistance.

Exploring Line Memory

Imagine you are out on a fishing trip, casting your line with excitement and anticipation. Suddenly, you feel a strong tug, and the fight begins as you reel in what could be the fish of a lifetime. However, just as it nears the boat, disaster strikes – your line snaps, leaving you empty-handed and filled with frustration. This scenario highlights the importance of understanding line abrasion resistance when choosing the right fishing line.

Line abrasion resistance refers to a line’s ability to withstand friction against rocks, vegetation, or other abrasive surfaces underwater. It is crucial to consider this factor because without adequate abrasion resistance, even a small encounter with rough objects can lead to breakage and disappointment.

To help you make an informed decision about which fishing line to choose based on its abrasion resistance capabilities, here are some key considerations:

  1. Material: Different materials offer varying levels of abrasion resistance. For example:

    • Nylon monofilament lines have moderate abrasion resistance but may wear down over time.
    • Fluorocarbon lines excel in their resistance to abrasions due to their dense composition.
    • Braided lines feature exceptional strength and durability against abrasive forces.
  2. Coating: Some fishing lines come with additional coatings that enhance their resilience against abrasions. These coatings can provide an extra layer of protection while maintaining other essential properties like sensitivity and knot strength.

  3. Diameter: Thicker lines tend to possess higher overall strength and better resistance against abrasions than thinner ones. However, keep in mind that thicker lines may affect casting distance and lure action.

  4. Fishing Environment: Consider the specific conditions where you will be fishing. If you anticipate encountering rough terrain or structures such as submerged logs or rocky bottoms frequently, prioritize selecting a fishing line with superior abrasion-resistant qualities.

In summary, analyzing line abrasion resistance is vital for ensuring successful fishing experiences by reducing the risk of line breakage. By considering factors such as material, coating, diameter, and fishing environment, you can choose a fishing line that will hold up against the challenges presented by different waters.

Next, let’s explore another crucial aspect in selecting the right fishing line: line memory and its impact on your angling performance.

Factoring in Line Cost

Imagine you’re out on the water, casting your line with precision and finesse. You’ve carefully selected your bait, perfected your technique, but something just isn’t right – your fishing line keeps tangling and knotting up. This frustrating experience is often a result of line memory.

Line memory refers to the tendency of certain fishing lines to retain their shape after being spooled or stored for an extended period. When a line has high memory, it tends to coil and form loops when casted, leading to tangles and reduced casting distance. Understanding how different types of fishing lines behave in terms of memory can help anglers make informed choices that enhance their overall fishing experience.

There are several factors that contribute to line memory, including the material composition and manufacturing process of the fishing line. Here are some key points about line memory that every angler should be aware of:

  1. Monofilament lines generally have higher memory compared to fluorocarbon or braided lines. The single-strand construction of monofilament makes it more prone to coiling and retaining its original shape.
  2. Fishing lines with lower diameter tend to exhibit higher memory due to increased flexibility. Thinner lines have less stiffness and are more likely to develop coils over time.
  3. Quality plays a crucial role in minimizing line memory. Higher-quality fishing lines undergo specialized treatments during production that reduce potential coiling.
  4. Proper storage techniques can also help mitigate line memory issues. Storing fishing lines away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures helps maintain their performance characteristics.

Recognizing the impact of line memory on your fishing endeavors allows you to choose suitable options tailored specifically for your needs as an angler – whether you prioritize long-distance casts or minimal tangles while reeling in those prized catches.

By understanding these nuances and considering factors such as desired strength, visibility, and stretch properties alongside each type’s resistance against line memory, anglers can make informed decisions about the fishing lines they select.

Recognizing Line Application

Factoring in Line Cost: Making Informed Choices

Let’s consider an example of a passionate angler named John, who is planning a fishing trip to a nearby lake. As he prepares his equipment, one crucial decision that weighs on his mind is choosing the right fishing line for this particular excursion. While there are various factors to consider, such as strength and visibility, another vital aspect to take into account is the cost of the fishing line.

When it comes to selecting a fishing line based on cost, anglers like John must strike a balance between their budget and desired performance. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Quality vs. Price:

    • Higher-end lines tend to be more durable and have better knot strength.
    • Cheaper lines may not perform well under demanding conditions or when targeting larger fish species.
  2. Frequency of Use:

    • If you frequently go fishing, investing in a higher-quality line might be more beneficial in the long run.
    • However, occasional anglers may opt for less expensive options without compromising too much on performance.
  3. Fishing Environment:

    • The type of water (saltwater or freshwater) and specific conditions (weeds, rocks) can impact the lifespan of different fishing lines.
    • Anglers should assess whether they need specialized lines designed for harsh environments or if standard lines will suffice.
  4. Personal Preference:

    • Some anglers prioritize certain characteristics over others.
    • It’s essential to evaluate personal preferences regarding features like sensitivity, stretchiness, and ease of handling before making a final decision.

By considering these aspects while factoring in line costs, fishermen like John can make informed choices that align with their needs and budget constraints. This way, they can optimize their overall fishing experience by using an appropriate fishing line tailored to their requirements.

Recognizing Line Application: Adjusting Tactics Accordingly

As we delve further into exploring suitable fishing lines, it is crucial to understand the concept of line application. Different fishing scenarios call for specific types of lines that are tailored to achieve optimal results. Here’s a table summarizing some common fishing situations and their corresponding recommended lines:

Fishing Scenario Recommended Line
Freshwater Bass Monofilament or fluorocarbon
Saltwater Surf Braided or monofilament
Ice Fishing Fluorocarbon or braided
Fly Fishing Specialty fly line

This comprehensive table offers valuable insight into which type of fishing line aligns best with each scenario. By recognizing these recommendations, anglers can adjust their tactics accordingly and increase their chances of success on the water.

Adapting Line to Target Species: Selecting Wisely

As anglers progress in their pursuit of different fish species, they must adapt their choice of fishing line accordingly. Each target species has unique characteristics and demands specific attributes from the fishing line used. For instance:

  • When targeting large gamefish like marlin or tuna, strong and durable braided lines are often preferred due to their exceptional knot strength.
  • In contrast, when pursuing trout or bass in clear freshwater environments, fluorocarbon lines offer low visibility while maintaining sufficient strength for battling those species.

By understanding the requirements and behaviors of various target species, fishermen can select appropriate fishing lines that maximize their effectiveness in capturing desired catches.

Moving forward to our next section about “Adapting Line to Target Species,” we will explore how selecting the right fishing line based on specific target species can significantly enhance an angler’s success rate on any given outing.

Adapting Line to Target Species

Imagine you’re standing on the banks of a serene lake, ready to cast your line and begin a day of fishing. As you look out onto the calm waters, it becomes evident that choosing the right fishing line is crucial for success. Understanding how different lines perform in various situations can greatly enhance your angling experience. Let’s explore some key factors to consider when recognizing which line is best suited for specific applications.

Firstly, one must take into account the type of fish being targeted. For instance, if you are pursuing larger species such as bass or pike, a heavier line with greater strength and durability may be necessary to withstand their powerful strikes and vigorous fights. On the other hand, if you plan to go after smaller game like trout or panfish, a lighter line will provide better sensitivity to detect subtle bites while maintaining finesse during presentations.

Secondly, considering the fishing technique employed is essential in determining suitable line characteristics. When using topwater lures that require precise casting accuracy and delicate presentation, a low-visibility monofilament line offers excellent control due to its manageable memory and stretch properties. Alternatively, when employing fast-paced techniques such as flipping or pitching heavy cover, braided lines’ superior strength and abrasion resistance become advantageous.

Thirdly, environmental factors play a significant role in choosing an appropriate fishing line. Factors such as water clarity should influence color selection; clear water calls for transparent lines while murky conditions benefit from more visible options. Additionally, understanding the structure of the fishing area—whether rocky bottoms or dense vegetation—is crucial since certain lines tend to handle these environments better than others.

To summarize our discussion on recognizing line application:

  • Different types of fish require different line strengths.
  • The chosen fishing technique impacts ideal line characteristics.
  • Environmental factors like water clarity and structure dictate optimal choices.

By carefully assessing these considerations before heading out on your next angling adventure, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to select the right fishing line that maximizes your chances of success. In our next section, we will delve into adapting line choices according to the specific species being targeted and their unique behaviors—ensuring you’re well-prepared for any encounter on the water.

Adjusting Line to Fishing Conditions

Understanding how different fishing conditions can impact your success is crucial, but it’s equally important to adapt your fishing line accordingly. By Choosing the Right fishing line based on specific conditions, you can maximize your chances of reeling in that trophy catch. In this section, we will explore key considerations when adjusting your line to various fishing conditions.

Exploring Key Considerations:
To illustrate the importance of adapting your fishing line, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario where an angler sets out to fish in two distinct environments: a clear lake and a fast-moving river with murky waters. The contrasting characteristics of these locations necessitate different types of lines for optimal performance.

  1. Water clarity:

    • Clear Lakes:
      • Thin diameter monofilament or fluorocarbon lines are ideal as they provide low visibility.
      • Lighter weight lines allow better sensitivity and more natural presentation of lures or bait.
    • Murky Rivers:
      • Braided lines with higher visibility colors work well due to poor water clarity.
      • Stronger pound-test braids help combat strong currents while maintaining flexibility.
  2. Structure and cover:
    Different underwater structures require varying line attributes:

    • Thick vegetation or heavy cover demands abrasion-resistant lines such as braids or hybrid lines.
    • Sparse structure may benefit from Fluorocarbon Lines as their sinking properties minimize detection by skittish fish.
  3. Depth and bottom composition:
    Adjusting your line based on depth and bottom composition enhances overall effectiveness:

    • Deepwater fishing often requires thinner diameter braided or fused lines to reduce drag and reach desired depths quickly.
    • Fishing over rocks or rough surfaces necessitates sturdy monofilament or fluorocarbon lines to withstand potential abrasion.
  4. Weather conditions:
    Considering weather factors ensures your line can handle changing elements:

    • Windy conditions call for heavier braided or monofilament lines that are less prone to tangling.
    • Extreme cold temperatures might require using a low-memory fishing line that remains supple and manageable in frigid waters.

Table: Comparison of Fishing Line Types

Line Type Advantages Disadvantages
Monofilament High knot strength, good shock absorption Low visibility, increased memory
Fluorocarbon Excellent invisibility, sinks quickly Limited flexibility, high cost
Braided Strongest pound-test rating, minimal stretch Highly visible, may spook fish

By acknowledging the unique demands of each fishing condition and selecting appropriate fishing line accordingly, anglers significantly improve their chances of success. The table above provides an overview of advantages and disadvantages associated with different line types commonly used by fishermen.

In summary, adapting your fishing line based on target species is just one part of the equation. Adjusting your line to suit various fishing conditions also plays a vital role in achieving optimal results. By considering water clarity, structure and cover, depth and bottom composition, as well as weather conditions when choosing your fishing line type, you can enhance your overall angling experience while maximizing your chances of landing that prized catch.


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